Here are two recordings in my possession one is a cassette recorded many years ago by the Leo Baeck Institute of Cantor Erwin Hirsch of the  Congregation “Habonim” (Conservative), As the institute does not have any record of this recording in their catalog both digital and physical I present it here for preservation. Songs include: Akdamos, Aleinu, Gregorian Chant, Geshem, Bereishis (Torah leining), High Holidays, Haftora, Eicha, Megilas Esther, Hamelech. Click HERE.

Also I am including a proffessionally digitized recording of Cantor Louis Blumenthal of London. This is an album he recorded in the mid-1950s in the Fieldgate Street Synagogue in London’s Jewish Eastend. If anyone can furnish more details…please do not refrain. Click HERE.

German Chazzonim 2

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