This is where I hope we can exchange important information and thoughts regarding minhag, Jewish thought and German Jewish history. These are all topics that I enjoy and have had some exposure to. There are some excellent sites in the Frum blogosphere that handle these subjects with very capable academic authorship. I don’t have much […]
Read moreBelow is something I posted on social media a few months ago, and I now possess a scan of the book mentioned therein through the Fair Use Act and the generosity of the NLI librarians. (I am looking for collaborators to bring the music to life…) In the 1930s, a Berlin cantor published a book […]
Read moreHello. Tishri kicked off what will hopefully be a year of redemption for the nation and the individual. Tehi Shenas Pidyon Hashevuyim. Some interesting points. We had three sets of three-day Yomtov, and Pesach will do the same by falling out on a Sunday. Cheshvon is a full thirty days and has FIVE Shabbos in it! The […]
Read moreThe Gemara in Maseches Rosh Hashana asks, ‘Why do we blow Shofar? “Why?” The Gemara retorts in surprise, “For the Torah has so commanded!” “This is what we mean to ask: Why do we blow when we are seated and again when we stand?” (The Shofar is blown before we commence the Musaf service at a time when we are not […]
Read moreOf course, there will always be detractors—especially people online who see anything done in support of Donald Trump as devious. In truth, in my Golus mind, I am also uncomfortable with the Jewish world aligning itself with any political party- since our needs can not be trusted to any one party. Nevertheless, I realize that […]
Read moreThe world of Jewish political enthusiasts was energized by the appearance of a fresh-faced young man, an online influencer, and an outspoken advocate and party to a lawsuit against the recent wave of anti-Semitism that has terrorized Jewish students at some of America’s finest and oldest universities. Shabbos (Shabsi) Alexander Kestenbaum, a recent graduate of […]
Read moreI can think of two stories about a Siddur. Naomi Grunfeld, daughter of the notable Dayan in London, penned a story about an old Roedelheim siddur, as she heard it from her mother, and put it in the Yated Ne’eman over a decade ago. The story is here, and a scan of the article is […]
Read moreThis post is long in the making like most things I plan to do – that quickly become victims of procrastination. Things just hit a peak so I am sitting down to write this at a school bball game. A renewed interest in Minhag Aschkenaz is emerging in the broader Jewish communities and Yekkes outside […]
Read moreBecause I haven’t written in a long time and it is almost Purim, I want to put a few thoughts together. This year we observed Rav Schwab’s Yahrzeit on Purim Katan as it was in the year he passed away. Elsewhere I wrote a Remez beween Rav Schwab’s name and Lag B’omer (which is alluded to in the Rema […]
Read moreIt feels like this month slipped away since so much of Elul was shared with the American summer vacation months. Until schools were underway (I am in Jewish Education), it was already a week until Rosh Hashanah. Let me add a note about our beautiful minahgim. We know that KAJ blows Shofar in Elul at Shacharis and Mincha. Three Tashrats are […]
Read moreA few months ago a very idealistic and dedicated woman in our community contacted me as she was preparing to give a tour of our Shul to a Modern Orthodox day school from a nearby suburb. She only asked for some media for her tour (photos of the past rabbonim), but I gave her a […]
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