Parah and Piyutim
January 27, 2017 3:39 am
Published on Apr 1, 2016
With the author of Shivchei Yeshurun – Rabbi Dovid Roth. A brief excursion through the background of this week’s additions to the Tefilos interspersed with the words of praise themselves. Important: I follow the Rabbinate of this Kehilla in psak and have a strong affiliation to its hashkafos. The nuances of approach to a published work and whether it is set to become the official anthology of a community are issues local to a shul. As a person and a scholar the author is a beloved and respected friend to many who thirst for Toras Ashkenaz. Our chazal teach that one may only reject with the left hand, but must embrace with the right. With this in mind I present this video.
Category: Legacy Hirsch