Below are the PERSONAL minhagim of Rav Breuer ZtL at his family seder. They are likely minhagim of Jews from Papa, Hungary – his father’s birthplace. The list was compiled by his grandson Mr. Samson Bechhofer and distributed in a bentcher at his son’s Bar Mitzvah close to thirty years ago. My thanks to him for sharing and reviewing this for online publication. Click here for Hebrew version.
Minhagim of Rav Breuer ZT’L as compiled by his grandson S.R. Bechhofer
The one who leads the Seder wears a Kittel at both sedarim.
Before Kiddush the leader opens with some words of Halacha and agada.
Yachatz: The leader of the Seder takes the larger piece of Matzah and proclaims the verse “How great is your goodness which you have stored away for your servant!” (Ps. 31;20)
Afterwards, the smaller piece is placed on the shoulder and he raises himself briefly and says (as if leaving Egypt): “Their remaining bread is wrapped in their garment upon their shoulders.” (Ex 12;34)
Maggid: The leader translates and explains the text of the Hagadah and any participant may add Torah thoughts relating to the exodus. All this is conducted in the language familiar to the assembled, specifically the children. All the participants say the portion of “maggid” together, save for the Ma Nishtana which is recited by a child.
When the words “Dam Va’Aish Vesimros Ashan” are said, he splashes a bit of wine from the cup with his pinky and similarly at the recital of “Datzach Adash BeAchav”
After the paragraph “VoRav” the paragraph of “Vo’evor Alayich” is immediately said.
Before the blessings on the second cup of wine are recited the words “Hineni muchan u’mezuman lekayeim mitzvas kos sheni keneged vehitzalti eschem me’avodasam” are recited.
Motzi Matza: The leader takes the two matzos and the piece of the middle matzo between and recites the two brachos and distributes to each person a small piece of the top matzah and he eats from what remains of the top matzah and of the middle piece. He then returns the bottom matzah to the seder plate with which to perform “Korech” with another participant.
Shulchan Orech: The meal begins with boiled eggs. Zemiros are sung as on a Shabbos or Yom Tov.
Tzafun: The leader eats from the larger piece of the “Yachats” afikoman for himself and distributes a kezayis of afikomen to the participants from other available Shmura Matzah.
- Barech: After the line “Harachaman Hu yanchilenu yom shekulo tov” the addition of “yom shekulo aruch, yom shetzadikim yoshvim ve’itroseihem berosheihen venehenin miziv Hashechina, veyehi chelkeinu imahem” is recited.
Before the blessing is recited on the third cup the words “Hineni muchan umezuman lekayem mitzvas kos shelishi keneged vegoalti eschem bizro’ah netuya” are recited.
Hallel: Before “Yehalelucha” the “Hallel Hagadol” is recited (Hodu Lashem ki tov” until “Hodu laKel Hashamayim…”) at which point “Nishmas” is recited until “Yishtabach”, including the blessing in the Yishtabach. At that point, the “Yehalelucha” is recited to finish the “Nishmas” but it does not conclude with its bracha (rather it concludes with the words “Ata Kel”).
Before the blessing upon the fourth cup is made the words “hineni muchan umezuman lekayem mitzvas kos revi’i keneged velakachti eschem li la’am”.
Nirtzah: Before “Who knows one” they sing “Ein Kelokeinu” in the traditional tune- ending with the words “ata hu Elokeinu ein acher”. Then Yigdal is sung in the traditional tune. On the second night, the women stand and recite the “Sefiras HaOmer” before “Ein Kelokeinu”.
At the end of the Seder after “Chad Gaya” the prayer “Leshana Haba biyerushalayim” is sung and then “Adon Olam” in the traditional tune and then “Leshana Haba” is repeated.
There are some items which would be very interesting if clarified:
1. Why is there no mention of Hineni muchan u’mezuman before Kiddush.
2. כוס ראשןן צריל להיות כנגד והוצאתי
3. כוס שני צריך להיות כנכד והצלתי
4. לכאורה עורך הסדר צריך לחלק גם מהמצה השניה
5. האם הרב זצ”ל הוסיף מצות מן הצד להשלים שיעור כזית במוציא מצה במו שעשה באפיקומן
6. What “regular Zemisoes” were song on Yom Tov?
7. Where Zemiros Shabbos sung on Shabbos Chol Hamoed and Shabbos Yom TOV? The Rabbi in the community in which I grew up was Yerushalmi and did sing Shabbos Zemiros on Shabbos chol Hamoed nor Shabbos Yom Tov. I Attributed this to the fact that the Shabbos Zemiros frequently express Tzar of the Galus
which is inappropriate for Moadim on which we only mention the fact that we cannot comply with MIzvot but do not explicitly express Tzaar. IT would interest me to know the details of the Frankfurt Minhag here.