I have gone through many papers sitting on a shelf, gathered through the years by my father z’l, all pertaining to our community and its history and personalities. Added to this is a collection that Mr. Joseph Katzenstein z’l had collected over many years- consisting of koleinus, newspaper clippings and some KAJ Newsletters (the “Kach”). Some of this is nostalgic, and some of this is of historical significance. For this reason I will be posting this on both my website and blog. I want to give credit to my teacher and reliable friend, our beloved Rabbi Gevirtz who was behind the original preparation of some of the more important material below.
Here follows:
Several booklets distributed by the Kehilla itself on special occasions :
- A book of short bios on important kehilla figures on the 50th anniversary of the shul
- A booklet describing the history of the school and some articles on the Yesiva’s 50th anniversary. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IGwJwocYzs4BGurnwtBNs09-XySy8O2n/view?usp=sharing
- A booklet put out shortly after Rav Breuer’s passing called Eleh Ezkoroh: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SIG4KW23NLw6YpPnjFRVYiSZZX0_1I85/view?usp=sharing
- A booklet on the Yahrzeit of the Rebbetzin Rika Breuer z’l. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nbFb_zjWNdLr7l7m9itttXnDdv0v3Qq7/view?usp=sharing
Then several Newspaper and magazine articles from various publications over the years:
- The Jewish Observer on Rav Schwab’s passing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fb7eB7G9BobFv_1gFY1CKffM2PljMsVG/view?usp=sharing
- A full issue of a magazine geared towards Baalei Teshuvah by Yeshiva Dvar Yerushalayim: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17BSLmIlFou0Ph-0LS7rtJ0E_YStOcsnH/view?usp=sharing
- Mishpacha Magazine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z9SMZvxN6F2MaEGuVHdCkimeDYxihTJk/view?usp=sharing
- Good Fortune Magazine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p2I7lnBWoE77_Z0oT1qnLFGHT49xG_G7/view?usp=sharing
- A book called Torah Personalities has a bio on the Seridei Eish https://drive.google.com/file/d/19HpSGh-W5T4OEkOkU-kZlLSVX9Jy3Qv8/view?usp=sharing
- An article about Wimpels https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FoF02_Sxh7krkub71fuIqFeLJzusybpr/view?usp=sharing
- Several newspaper clippings on Rav Breuer’s passing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GXRAt_htZXyeVlhTdwtKkpnwc-ufJZ2-/view?usp=sharing
- A letter I once wrote to a British Jewish Newspaper with a Yekke manifesto aimed at friends of mine who were home from Yeshiva for Yom Tov- they all read it! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OYOfjZzeyvK1o3EIcgXpz1Vsz3dcDVMs/view?usp=sharing
- The KAJN after Rav Breuers passing https://drive.google.com/file/d/19YGG9ehUHRuSSo546LLcARdBzz2nWHbr/view?usp=sharing
- The commemorative issue of Koleinu upon the 1,000th edition! It includes good wishes to Mr. Breuer z’l and several old issues that were reprinted for the occasion. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z0lORdfPgU4lSmdZZArtTGIuXNQfelnC/view?usp=sharing
- A fundraising pamphlet to improve the shul with some shul history in it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vM_YRPHsMatRK0zcb4QdVX2QvdSbHF9j/view?usp=sharing
Several mitteilungen articles including:
- TIDE in Israel https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u32s9SHR1istdLNbpeFhXlu82FscL0XH/view?usp=sharing
- Kristallnacht commemoration by Rabbi Salomon Carlebach Shlita https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ksk0-40CvyqmCowFBKvoNLYNqBSw6Wt0/view?usp=sharing
- Rav Breuer zt’l: Our Longing for the Moon https://drive.google.com/file/d/128oGgv8vYg4jnnTXXm_e2AhMJZky02N2/view?usp=sharing
- The Kehilla Bylaws. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OSeFWq8q8ZiKgEw9VwUNtc1i0ghh24NV/view?usp=sharing