I have gone through many papers sitting on a shelf, gathered through the years by my father z’l, all pertaining to our community and its history and personalities. Added to this is a collection that Mr. Joseph Katzenstein z’l had collected over many years- consisting of koleinus, newspaper clippings and some KAJ Newsletters (the “Kach”). Some of this is nostalgic, and some of this is of historical significance. For this reason I will be posting this on both my website and blog. I want to give credit to my teacher and reliable friend, our beloved Rabbi Gevirtz who was behind the original preparation of some of the more important material below.

Here follows:

Several booklets distributed by the Kehilla itself on special occasions :

  • A book of short bios on important kehilla figures on the 50th anniversary of the shul


Then several Newspaper and magazine articles from various publications over the years:

Several mitteilungen articles including:

Important Documents and Nostalgia

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