I am linking here to the reading of the Megilla by the revered Torah chanter Mr. Benno Weis obm. If you download it, please notify me and I will let his fmily know. The recording is already available on the FSU archives.

I will point out some of the beauty of this recording and nusach when I have more time. Bye. Happy Purim!

Lein Megilas Esther ala Frankfurt!

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  • Admin

    Some of the nuance in this recording:
    1) The word Ya’amod in the verse “Revach Vehatzala yaamod layehudim” is read as if someone is being called to the Torah!
    2) Balayla Hahu: A very mistifying rendition of this pasuk.
    3) Vayislu es Haman; we read this very festively.
    4) Vayamlicheha tachas vashti is and the preceding words receive special attention.
    Note: When I had a megilla written for me by my father-in-law, I was told that Rav Breuer suggested to the local soferim to write one particular word as per the kri and not the standard way it is written. I don’t have the chapter and verse on that handy.

      • Admin

        I am waiting for confirmation but it is regarding the 2nd letters (Igaros, the letters sent out to tall the territories): In KAJ we read Lehasmid, Velaharog Ul’Abbeid (no repetition) and that is probably what this is referring to. (Submitted by S.Strauss)

        • Admin

          Here is the full reply from local sofer S.B.
          “We read Velaharog and Rav Breuer said to write it that way in the Megillah and if Laharog was written you should change it. I heard that from Saul Lichtenstein. He owned 3 Megilohs and his son in law [Shipper] checked and he saw that he changed it in 2 of them.

          This is not a kree vkesiv. It just seems so since you see it written 1 way and pronounced differently. There is much written about it. Rabbi Mordechai Breuer has a long article on it. I asked him if he spoke to Rav Breuer about it. He didn’t. Roedelhein has it velaharog. Keseth Hasofer also really prefers velaharog but didn’t want to make a tumult.

          The Megiloh used in shul is written laharog. I wanted to change it but Rav Gelley said to leave it.”

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  • Mendy Meyer

    As I listen to the recorded nusach for Rosh Hashana of Mr. Benno Weis z’l, I see that the tune for “balayla Hahu” is similar to the RH nusach for “Hamelech”…both ending with the word HAMELECH. So perhaps that was another jovial insertion?

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